Thu, 26 Jan 2006 13:28:14 EST

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Hello everybody,
Due to other career responsibilities, I will not be doing any piano tuning  
outside of family and friends and will not need the speed and convenience of my 
 Verituner.  It has had little use ( I have been learning through the Randy  
Potter course and doing a little work on the side) and includes the  cord / 
charger, instruction manual, and a soft padded camera case that it fits  
perfectly into.  $1000.00, in God I trust,all others pay cash or postal  money order. 
 I'd be happy to ship it via UPS or meet within 150 miles of  my upstate SC 
home (Greer, in the Greenville-Spartanburg area).
Please contact me privately on my mobile 864-431-4790 if you are  interested. 
Best regards,
Patrick McKenzie

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