Key return speed

Ric Brekne
Thu, 26 Jan 2006 22:03:59 +0100

Hi folks

The below snip really illustrates the situation quite well me thinks.  
Key return speed is not any given one thing.  Its not just the key 
moving... or the weight of the hammer, checking height /regulation 
parameters in general, or the ratio of the action, or just friction.  
Its the combination of all these.  You can have a key return speed as 
(for all practical purposes) fast for a 5.3 ratio as a 7.0 depending on 
how all relevant bits fall into place.

We dont seem to be addressing Stephanes querrie which apparently was 
about an english action  similiar to the type I posted a diagram of.  
How to correct for sluggish action in this case ???.  Checking height is 
in the picture, friction as well as the front weight of the key... 
capstan position is not relevant here really.

Just what are you working on there Stephane ? :)


Vladan and Ed exchange...:

 >>In order to achieve that, and still maintain the proper
 >>static balance weight, the action needs to have a low
 >>ratio geometry.

 >Is this to say that the high ratio actions will not
 >repeat as fast?  My experience is otherwise.

It depends on the hammer weights.  If two actions have
same weight hammers and the same balance weight, but
one has a high ratio, the action with the high ratio will
have slower returning keys because the keys will have more
lead in them.

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