permanent dolly for U1

Thu, 26 Jan 2006 23:38:43 -0500

Subject: Re: permanent dolly for U1

>> One more thing...I haven't use a tipper for dolly installation...seems to 
>> me it would be tricky coming back down...anyone used a tipper for dolly 
>> installation?
>> David Ilvedson, RPT
> Got tippers, but I always put them on end for this, for that reason.
> Ron N

    I use a tilter for installing the twin dollies sold by Jansen and 
    It's a little tricky, but with the dollies screwed into the bottom and 
lag bolted into the back it does work.
    Done this at least 10 times by myself ( Everett and Hamilton 45" studios 
mostly) and I'm a little guy.
    I'm often refered to as Conan the Librarian.
    Tom Driscoll 

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