Bass String Installation and THANKS

John Dorr
Sat, 28 Jan 2006 07:15:16 -0700

Good morning, wrote "Ask them!" when I wondered why James Arledge 
suggests only replacing four strings at a time.  DUH!  I shoulda thought of 
that!  So I did, (ask him, that is,) and he responded quickly enough, too!

He wrote that he suggests it because it upsets the tension which upsets the 
tuning  of the rest of the piano much less if you only remove 4 at a time.

But I figure I'm gonna tune it anyway!  I believe I even included 3 tunings in 
the bid.  And I really wanna get a chance to clean the areas that'll be more 
exposed when I take all the strings off.

If I haven't said it enough... Many thanks to all of you who contribute to 
this list.  I'm an Associate in an area where our ONE RPT is retired and I 
don't like to bug him too much, so I don't really have an immediate resource 
to ask questions of.  I have the Journal CDs and the Technical and Tuning Exam 
Source books.  I'm taking the Potter Course, and Ward Guthrie lives only 90 
miles away.  But you folks offer sometimes more immediate help AND a real 
variety of perspectives.  I really appreciate you.  You're all likely to be a 
big help in me acheiving my goal of RPT this year, not to mention my 
continuing education as time goes by.

I don't want to merely be a taker here, though.  I hope I'll be able to 
contribute from time to time as well.

Thank you again.

John Dorr
Helena, Montana

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