Prospecting --Truck lettering
Sat, 28 Jan 2006 16:30:06 +0000

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I'm seriously considering the magnetic sign on the car idea.  

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Nichols <> 
At 09:21 AM 1/28/2006 -0500, you wrote:

So what does a legally blind guy do who doesn't drive about signs?  Should I hand out pens with business cards?

Sorry, Marshall, for the seemingly flippant answer, but your question filled my mind with several humorous images. "Sandwich" boards, like Wimpy used to wear all the time. Bumper stickers on your, uh... tail. Ten-gallon hat. Whatever. All with appropriate signage, of course. And lest we forget the old standard....... "Will Werk (meister) for food"  I'd be willing to bet real money that you'de get a response if you went walking downtown with a sign on your head. Maybe the list-ees would be willing to post your bail!

Like I said, sorry. Really. Dad was blind for the last several years of his life, and we often amused ourselves with his driving, etc. He and I both have enough surface area for a LOT of signs.

Seriously, though, one theme that has come through from the responses is right on. 
People will do business with people that they like.
 Be likeable, and there are many books that can help you there. Be flexible and tolerant, and ready to own up to your limitations, so you can work with them instead of against them. Nobody owes you a thing, right? Write down your headaches and swap with ten other people.... you'll be begging to get your own problems back.

Hang in there,
Guy Nichols, RPT
Ft. Stinkin' Desert, NM
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