Bass String Installation and THANKS
Sat, 28 Jan 2006 17:03:08 -0500 (EST)


I concur with David Anderson's tip of the hat to you!
PACE Technical Lesson #33 is somewhere in the Journal CD.  You may prefer removing the bass dampers while cleaning the soundboard and replacing the strings; they are easily replaced with Bill Spurlock's underlever tool.

Ed Sutton

-----Original Message-----
>From: John Dorr <>
>Sent: Jan 28, 2006 9:15 AM
>Subject: Bass String Installation and THANKS
>Good morning,
> wrote "Ask them!" when I wondered why James Arledge 
>suggests only replacing four strings at a time.  DUH!  I shoulda thought of 
>that!  So I did, (ask him, that is,) and he responded quickly enough, too!
>He wrote that he suggests it because it upsets the tension which upsets the 
>tuning  of the rest of the piano much less if you only remove 4 at a time.
>But I figure I'm gonna tune it anyway!  I believe I even included 3 tunings in 
>the bid.  And I really wanna get a chance to clean the areas that'll be more 
>exposed when I take all the strings off.
>If I haven't said it enough... Many thanks to all of you who contribute to 
>this list.  I'm an Associate in an area where our ONE RPT is retired and I 
>don't like to bug him too much, so I don't really have an immediate resource 
>to ask questions of.  I have the Journal CDs and the Technical and Tuning Exam 
>Source books.  I'm taking the Potter Course, and Ward Guthrie lives only 90 
>miles away.  But you folks offer sometimes more immediate help AND a real 
>variety of perspectives.  I really appreciate you.  You're all likely to be a 
>big help in me acheiving my goal of RPT this year, not to mention my 
>continuing education as time goes by.
>I don't want to merely be a taker here, though.  I hope I'll be able to 
>contribute from time to time as well.
>Thank you again.
>John Dorr
>Helena, Montana
>Pianotech list info:

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