frequent tuning - floating pitch? was tuning

jere fryett
Sat, 28 Jan 2006 23:17:07 -0600

>From: "Dean May" <>
>Reply-To:, Pianotech List <>
>To: "'Pianotech List'" <>
>Subject: RE: frequent tuning - floating pitch? was tuning
>Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 16:07:22 -0500
>Like John, and anybody else who has tuned the same pianos twice a year
>for 20 years can attest, I run across pianos that consistently go 20 or
>more cents flat in the winter to 20 or more sharp in the summer. If you
>put those on 440 every time the swings are huge. If you split the
>difference they aren't. Anybody who has been tuning the same pianos long
>enough can attest to this.


What do you University tuners do in cases like this?  Would you tune all 
pianos to 440 all the time, or would you be selective, i.e., float the 
practice rooms, 440 for the teachers studios, etc.

I have been tuning all the University pianos to 440 (three times a year) and 
find myself doing huge pitch raises or lowering, depending upon the time of 


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