Mass Loading Bridges

David Love
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 17:02:09 -0800

I don't like machining metal so I just bought some 2" brass stock and had a
machinist cut it into 1" pieces and drill a 1/4" hole through the center.
Ordered enough stock to make about 100.  I don't remember the cost but it
wasn't that much and I won't be doing it again for awhile.  If you need more
than one piece you just put them together with a fender washer between them
to keep them from rattling against each other.  

I ordered the stock from who will ship it wherever you want
but there may be suppliers closer to you.

David Love 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Andrew and Rebeca Anderson
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 4:43 PM
To: Pianotech List
Subject: Mass Loading Bridges

I'm finally getting around to working on the piano which had a boomy 
crossover from the long bridge to the bass bridge.  I'm envisioning 
getting some rolled brass stock and cutting off pieces for 
this.  I've cut aluminum with a carbide blade, I think brass might be 
a little harder.  How difficult is this to do?  I'd drill a screw 
hole in the center and temporarily set under the bridge until I get 
the impedance I want.

How do you pro's do this?  Where do you source your material and what 
is your favorite means of machining it?

Andrew Anderson

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