Inertia, was "Grand Touch"

V T pianovt at
Wed Jul 12 18:10:41 MDT 2006

Hello Stephane,

The best way to make sense of this problem is to
separate it into two simpler ones.

Michael Spalding correctly pointed out that we tend to
become careless in the distinction between mass and
weight.  In a grand action both play a role, but under
different playing conditions.  I just glanced at
Stephen's paper, and it's very good reading!  In fact,
I may be repeating some of what he covered in the

Take the action out of the piano and tilt it so the
action frame is vertical, with the narrow side resting
on the floor.  Measuring "balance weight" is
impossible because the key no longer springs back.  By
doing this, you have removed the "weight" component
out of the picture.  Note that we haven't taken any
mass out of the action.

With your finger push the hammer against the rest
rail.  The key front will be ready for you to "play" a
note.  If you push the key very slowly, it will take
almost no effort.  You will be overcoming the small
amount of friction in the mechanism, which is just a
fraction of the force you would need when the action
is in its normal horizontal position.

Repeat the experiment, but this time try to press the
key as fast and hard as you can.  There will be
considerable force at the finger tip.  You are
observing the effect of the inertia without any
contribution from the weight.  The amount of inertia
is determined by the mass of the various parts and its
physical distribution within.  This component of the
required force will not change when you put the action
back into its normal horizontal position.

It's not as easy to create an experiment to
demonstrate the effect of weight in the grand action
without that of inertia.  One could get the point
across by moving the experiment to another planet that
is much more massive than Earth so that its
gravitational force is huge even for a small mass.  In
other words, we would have to move the experiment to a
planet where our 12g lead weighs much more, let's say
12kg, and a hammer weighs 10kg instead of 10g!  In
such a place, with the action in its normal horizontal
position, it would be difficult to push the key down
at any speed.  The inertial effect in the action would
be unchanged by the move to the massive planet, but it
would be overshadowed by the gravitational effect.

Now, to answer some of your questions:

The question of work or energy has to be answered
separately for the gravitational and inertial effects:

In the gravitational (weight) portion of the problem,
pushing the key down _very slowly_ puts some potential
energy into the hammer by lifting it.  The amount of
this energy (or work) is roughly equal to:


A = work done
d = key dip
BW = balance weight

The energy expended in overcoming the inertial effects
is determined from the product of the torque on the
key and the arc that the key travels.  The torque in
turn is determined from the moment of inertia and
angular acceleration of the key.

The result is that the calculation for the
gravitational (weight) effect is not really related to
the calculation for inertial effects, except that both
use the mass of the components in the action in their
respective equations.  This is the one common point
between the two subjects, but that is pretty much
where the commonality ends.

For example, static balancing with the lead follows a
formula that only requires the product of weight and
distance from the balance rail hole to be constant. 
As long as you satisfy that requirement, you can place
the weight anywhere along the key and the balance
weight will come out the same.  When you look at
inertia however, the formula contains the "r-squared",
so the two are not the same.

The answer to your first question then is:  if you
move a key _very_ slowly, the work done moving the key
with the 24g weight through 5mm is the same as the
work done moving the 12g weight 10mm.  There is no
significant inertial effect when you move the key

As soon as you start pressing the key faster, you will
have to confront the inertia of the mechanism and the
amount of work required will in general depend on the
acceleration profile.

Now, to your question about "why r-squared" in
I=m*r^2.  This is derived from the energy conservation
principle, but I think I can give you an intuitive

Let's say, the key dip is 10mm, and the distance from
the front of the key to the balance rail hole is
250mm.  If you place a lead at r=50mm, it will travel
only one fifth of the key dip, that is 2mm.  Note the
time it takes to complete the key stroke on a hard
blow and save the number for later. 

Move the lead to r=100mm.  In order to apply the same
force at the lead as you did in the first part of the
experiment, you will have to double the force at the
front of the key where your finger is.  This is
similar to what you know from static balancing, and
that is the origin of one of the "r"s in the

There is a however also a second effect at work.  The
lead at r=100mm has to travel further along its arc
(4mm instead of 2mm) in the same amount of time as we
measured with r=50mm.  That means, we have to
accelerate it more, so it can complete the trajectory
on time.  This further increases the force required
and is the origin of the second "r".

What is ideal with regard to inertia cannot be
answered simply.  I think, it will vary from pianist
to pianist and will also be a function of the music
being played.

I have some open ended comments here, maybe the
discussion will reveal something.

- I wonder if it is necessary that all 88 keys be
adjusted to the same balance weight.  Perhaps a better
action can be made if the bass starts at say 55g
balance weight and the keys progress along a smooth
curve to something like 35g at the top.  It seems to
me that balance weight receives a lot of attention
because it is easy to measure.  Inertia is harder to
measure, so we don't do it.

- Does it matter where in the action the inertia
originates?  Imagine playing a vibraphone with heavy
mallet sticks and really light heads, vs. heavy heads
and light sticks.  Maybe the inertia contributed by
key lead is less desirable than inertia contributed by
the hammer.  We are ultimately trying to control the
manner in which the hammer moves, and the capstan is
not tied to the whippen heel - they do separate at

- We can only accelerate the hammer by means of the
key but we can't slow it down.  If it starts going too
fast, the most we can do is let go of the key and hope
that the hammer slows down.  Inertia works against
that.  Gravity does help slow the hammer down, and so
does a measured amount of friction in the center. 
There is a delicate balance of parameters at work in a
great action.


Stéphane Collin wrote:

Hi Vladan.

Most interesting comments from you, as always.

Reading this, I have some intuitive reactions that I
would like to share, 
for the case it can rise a better understanding of the

How does moment of inertia relate to work ?  I would
have thought that 24 
gram moved (was it in a circular way) by 5 mm (or an
arc of circle whose ray 
would be 5 mm) needs the same work as 12 gram moved by
10 mm.  Is this right 
? Does this apply to our key weight matter ? Isn't it
the work to accomplish 
that causes fatigue to the pianist ?  I thought, ok,
if there is much lead 
in the key, there is much work to accomplish, thus the
heavy feel.  But I'm 
still to understand why the same [weight/distance from
balance] figure would 
give a different feel.  It is the square of ray
parameter that I fail to 
figure out.
Now, from a pianist point of view, I have thought
uptill now that as long as 
the action has a decent repetition capability and an
acceptable heavyness 
feel, the more inertia would be the better (up to a
certain point) as this 
inertia helps alot smoothing out the minute
discrepancies between the 
pianist's fingers, by giving all along the 10 mm dip
some feedback 
information to the pianist's finger about how much
force he is really 
applying to the key, and letting him (intuitively)
adapt this, in order to 
produce the exact desired sound, favouring for example
perfect legato, and 
avoiding the "ow, I didn't want this" effect.
But then, at what point does the extra inerty start to
impede repetition (by 
making the change of direction of move of the key more
difficult) ?  I want 
the key to stick to my finger for the fastest that I
can repeat the note 
with that finger.  But I heard comments from other
pianists that this is 
already too much for good feel.

Any comments about all this ?

Best regards.

Stéphane Collin. 

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