[pianotech] Multifunctional Tool

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Wed Aug 4 13:27:21 MDT 2010

Just used my super, duper Multifunctional Tool for the first time.<G> Bought it months ago, but never really found a use until now.<G> Had some modified capstans/now damper rod pivots, that stuck out of the other side of the rail and were a potential noise issue w/the jacks. Needed to cut those brass stems flush with the rail. Used the Wood/Plastic/Soft metal 1/2 disc thingee/cutter/?? It worked as advertised...or as I choose to say: "Just slicker'n deer guts on a door knob"!!<G>
Just thought y'all would like an upgrade to previous discussion(s)
BTW, has anyone purchased the more expensive version w/variable speed function? Not sure why that would be a necessary function, that's why I'm asking.
As an aside: The directions suck, Big Time, in regards to the usages of the blades. Also, there's a place on the rear/bottom for a screw to be inserted, (like a 6/32 or something metric equivilent), can't figure what the heck that'd be for.

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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