[pianotech] Tool for Wood Selection at Lumberyard

jimialeggio jimialeggio at gmail.com
Thu Jul 1 06:47:19 MDT 2010

> Well, Sitka is preferable because it is the highest strength/weight 
> ratio wood out there.

yes, thats correct...or maybe that's correct.  Look at the 
strength/weight  #'s from FPL handbook chapter 4 pg 13

	sitka spruce
	red spruce
specific grav
compression parallel
compression perp
sheer parralell

  ...pretty darn close I'd say.

But the point I was trying to make is not that Sitka is "better" than 
Red, or Red is "better" than Sitka, but rather if you design with a 
particular wood in mind, and your design accommodates the nature of that 
wood, it'll work. For me designing for a local  indigenous species which 
can be sawn by local sawmill,  artisans who are guys like us, makes 
sense to me, especially since sitka availability in my area is a pain.

> And just what is "tone grade spruce?"
> Terry Farrell
you're right, my bad...tonewood is a dumb term...especially seeing how 
well selected pallet wood would probably work as "tonewood", as long as 
you designed appropriately. Actually, my last experiment board had 
enough pitch pockets to run a small turpentine factory...and it sounds 
great...because its about board structure, not panel perfection.

...not yank'in on ya Terry...just a different take on things, as usual.

Jim I

Jim Ialeggio
978- 425-9026
Shirley, MA

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