[pianotech] Hook, Line and Sinker...

Jon Page jonpage at comcast.net
Fri Jul 2 04:38:55 MDT 2010

I tuned yesterday for a customer who comes here only in the summer.

She has a 7' grand of a famous manufacturer and rebuilt in their shop.
This had been my third summer visit and I asked her if she liked the touch
and the dullness in the treble. To which she said that she wasn't real happy.

I demonstrated how I could remove some of the massive hammer head
on the sides which would make the treble sound a little more melodic
and also lighten the touch. Her response was, "It was rebuilt by Them,
it's supposed to be that way". You can just hear the reverence in her voice.

I mentioned that with the heaviness, most of her effort is wasted in just
getting the key to move and that a lighter touch would give more control
for tone production. BUT 'She has the most wonderful teacher who taught
her the best technique and she can handle it'.

I could see that no amount of logic was going to steer her away from her
preconceived notions.  She didn't want to put much money into this since
they're only here a few months. BTW, this piano is in their summer mansion
in perhaps the most exclusive gated community in the Northeast.


Jon Page
Harwich Port
Cape Cod, Mass.

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