[pianotech] Ethics was Re: business

David Love davidlovepianos at comcast.net
Sat Jul 3 06:54:01 MDT 2010

That's the idea beyond flat rate pricing, typical of auto repair work.

David Love

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Foote <a440a at aol.com>
Sender: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2010 06:13:50 
To: <pianotech at ptg.org>
Reply-To: pianotech at ptg.org
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Ethics was Re:  business

Wim writes: 

We should have a standard hourly fee for doing our work, and stick to it, regardless of the type or condition of the piano or the customer. Yes, we have the right to charge what we want, but it needs to be the same rate for everyone, and for everything we do. 
That's the way I interpret the code of ethics. 


       I am always alarmed by the word "should".     I price many jobs by what I know it takes out of me to do.  However, that 15 minute, 25 cent pitch raise costs the same whether I really push it that fast or take it easier and spend 20 minutes. Tunings are sold as a stand-alone item, some take 1 hour, some take 53 minutes, some take twice as long as I thought they would, etc.  This makes my per hour rate somewhat elastic, which works for me and my clientele.
      I sell my time, but I charge twice as much for the time I spend at the bench as I do for travel time, since I am not stressing my joints, using up equipment, etc.  

Ed Foote RPT


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