[pianotech] Ethics and Philosophies

Dale Erwin erwinspiano at aol.com
Sun Jul 4 18:57:28 MDT 2010

  Good post as usual
  Several Shop/piano philosophies.
  Piano work is a black hole for time......so, You decide how much time you want it to consume,or it will consume you.
  For me,this one is huge and the one I keep my eye on real closely. Done my share of resurrections with out compensation
  Begin with the end in mind......  You can't get where you are going or know how long it will take to get there if you don't know   where you are!  So Ask the question. Being the ready, fire, aim person I tend to be, it's good for us type of folks to think it thru
  Whatever works......  What tool,technique works for me doesn't necessarily work for someone else.

   Others pursue the mantra of "Quality creates its ownmarket", spending hours working the details on a restoration, or polishing a tuning,in the faiththat sooner or later, compensation will be equal to the care  put into our work(beware, this is where the starving artist syndrome arises).  Either approach can be the right one for an individual, and the point is that the quality of the  journey is a far better measure of a life well lived than any destination we may have had in mind. 

Regards, and happy 4th 
Ed Foote RPT


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