[pianotech] WNG Parts Question(s)

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Mon Jul 5 10:55:25 MDT 2010

David Love asked: "With all these issues, what's the overriding advantage in using them?"

Omygawd, they're modern Technology! So,....that makes em' "da best", donchaknow??<G>
Personally, I'm giving all of this stuff a wide berth and wait for all the flack to quit falling.<G>
Two thoughts: 1. Shank flexibility is necessary for tone and repetition, IMHO. 2. Removing hammers, with a hollow tube for a shank, using traditional tools, would be pretty much impossible, IMHO.
As for the Steinway "A" with these parts...that's about as far afield as it can get, to NOT being a Steinway. Not recommended for any resale situation, per most Dealers I know.

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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