[pianotech] Chemicals used in piano work - Ryan

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 6 13:27:48 MDT 2010

I'd like to start making the list of chemicals, that could be reviewed. I'm doing this because there are so many. And, the instructor would have to be forewarned of all of the nasty stuff we use.<G>
Here's my list:
1. Perk
2. Glacial Acetic Acid
3. Volatile Contact Cements, (3M Super 77 and Weldwood)
4. Plastic Wood & Solvent
5. LPS-1 Lubricant, (spray)    
6. Tri-Flow (spray
7. Goof Off
8. Silicone Spray, (automotive-pur)
9. Center pin/bushing lubes
10. Gum & Pitch remover
11. Naptha
12. Polyester finishing product
13. Renews-it (cleaning solvent)
14. Tarnex, (Acidified Thiourea)
15. Lighter Fluid, aka Aviation Gas
16. Wood Alcohol/Methanol/Isopropyl, etc.
17. Teflon Powder in static condition and spray, as in Slip Spray
18. Nitrocellulose Lacquers and thinners
19. Acetone
20. Varnish and Mineral Spirits
21. Turpentine
22. Synthetic Reducer, (aka toulalene/tolulol)
23. Strippers, (too numerous to list)
24. Rattle Can Finishes of various/dubious varieties

Well, that's my list. I'm sure there are many more to be added.

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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