[pianotech] Keydip on Steinway Pianos

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 6 15:04:13 MDT 2010

Why is the keydip greater for Steinway S, M, and L pianos than for 
>Steinway B and D pianos? The keydip for the B and D is 390mm, while 
>the keydip for the S, M, and L is 420 mm.

Jon said:
"The info I have is:
S, M, L, B @ 9.5 mm
C, D @ 10 mm"

Hmm? It depends on what vintage of Steinway you are working on. Also, let's not forget Uprights. The info I have from the 70's/80's was .390", (not mm!) for grands and .400" for Uprights. Of course there  have been many variances derived to compensate for poorly set up actions.<G>

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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