[pianotech] Keydip on Steinway Pianos

Paul T Williams pwilliams4 at unlnotes.unl.edu
Tue Jul 6 15:18:52 MDT 2010

I think it's just the bigger action with longer keys....mostly the longer 
keys.  think of a teetertotter...the farther out you go, the less one has 
to travel to get the same result at the other end of the event...

If you get into the nitty gritty on mm's I'll bet you get the best dip on 
S closer to .390" and closer to .420 on concert grands....so aim for 
inbetween depending on how long the keys are.

Just my geometry warped brain working at the end of my day....unless it's 
not! (as Kent Webb says! :>)   ) I love his saying!!


"Joseph Garrett" <joegarrett at earthlink.net>
"pianotech" <pianotech at ptg.org>
07/06/2010 04:02 PM
Re: [pianotech] Keydip on Steinway Pianos

Why is the keydip greater for Steinway S, M, and L pianos than for 
>Steinway B and D pianos? The keydip for the B and D is 390mm, while 
>the keydip for the S, M, and L is 420 mm.
Jon said:
"The info I have is:
S, M, L, B @ 9.5 mm
C, D @ 10 mm"
Hmm? It depends on what vintage of Steinway you are working on. Also, 
let's not forget Uprights. The info I have from the 70's/80's was .390", 
(not mm!) for grands and .400" for Uprights. Of course there  have been 
many variances derived to compensate for poorly set up actions.<G>
Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I

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