[pianotech] Steinway bashing

Dale Erwin erwinspiano at aol.com
Tue Jul 6 20:56:54 MDT 2010

.    JD
   " Possible Flavors"... Now we're gettin some where.  
 In Rochester at the rebuilders gallery there was an overwhelming arsenal of tonal flavors not likely to be repeated but hope it is.
  One of those  was the Overs hot rod in an all maple case including beams. What a wild man. This piano sounds like nothing else.  The first time I heard it was on a recording  Ron sent me of some Rachmaninoff.  Not reading the cover I popped in the Cd to hear what I describe as one of the most extraordinary pianos.  Like nothing else . The treble was astoundingly clear and beautiful enough to make one weep.  I thought it was the best rebuilt Steinway 9 ft but something was waaay different.  It was the same model  Overs 7ft. 6 inch. I Would prefer to hear that in concert anyday ....or many of the fine restorations coming from the shops of many on this venerable list.
 I had a couple of good Bs in Vegas.  Double trouble.

The greatest shame is that for years and years nearly all the others have been taking the Steinway sound as the standard.  It is only on the rare occasions that you hear music performed on a very different instrument that you realise that the Steinway sound is not the only possible flavour, and in many cases it is far from the most suitable. The great pianists of 100 years ago most certainly did not all prefer the Steinway, even when it was a lot better than it is today.


It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
   Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)

Michael Magness
Magness Piano Service


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