[pianotech] Plans for Grand Skid Board

Paul T Williams pwilliams4 at unlnotes.unl.edu
Wed Jul 7 06:59:39 MDT 2010

How about carbon fiber?

anywho.  If I were to make a board, I would enclose the underside where 
the strap runs through. Why? Because once a year(sometimes more since we 
are usually in a hurry), our moving services and I get a piano lowered on 
the board, and voila! We forgot to run the strap through!  If the strap 
hole was enclosed, we could simply run the strap through without a hitch.


"Bruce Browning - The Piano Tuner" <justpianos at our.net.au>
pianotech at ptg.org
07/07/2010 03:44 AM
Re: [pianotech] Plans for Grand Skid Board

This looks pretty heavy. Hasn't somebody got a design for aluminium or
light steel construction?

> Here's a picture of my low-tech skid board.  I used a 2x12 plank, 3/4"
> plywood, some 2x4 scraps, and chunk of 2x8 at the end.  No bells and
> whistles, cheap wood, but useful in the right circumstances.

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