[pianotech] Class in eye glasses for close-up work?

tnrwim at aol.com tnrwim at aol.com
Wed Jul 7 09:42:00 MDT 2010

A class would be interesting, but unless you have some unusual eye problems, most of your reading and upclose work problems can be corrected using ordinary reading glasses found in the drug store. But don't just get the ones that allow you to read at a normal distance of about 2 feet. By using stronger or weaker magnifications, you should be able to find the right magnification for almost any kind of work. 

I play handbells, especially the big ones. Because they take up so much room on the table, I have to put the music on a stand, which places the music about 4 feet away. My normal reading glasses wouldn't allow me to see the notes, but a stronger magnification did the job just fine. I also use those when I string a piano. 

For very close up work, try several different kinds. It just takes a little experimentation. They cost about $10 - $15, so even if you buy some that don't work, you're not out of a lot of money. But just keep them, because in a few years, you'll need them, any way.  :)

What's interesting, as I get older, I've had to get weaker and weaker magnification for ordinary reading glasses, and now I can see the handbell music without any glasses. I do wear contacts, and even those are now not as strong as they used to be. My wife has the same thing happen to her, and now doesn't need any glasses, or contacts, to read. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Milesi, RPT <paul at pmpiano.com>
To: PTG Pianotech List <pianotech at ptg.org>
Sent: Wed, Jul 7, 2010 5:05 am
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Class in eye glasses for close-up work?

Sign me up!!!  Please!!!  If the class doesn't happen, I would like to
btain this information in some other way.  Thanks.
Paul Milesi, RPT
ashington, DC
202) 667-3136
-mail:  paul at pmpiano.com
ebsite:  http://www.pmpiano.com

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