[pianotech] PNOscan

Cy Shuster cy at shusterpiano.com
Wed Jul 7 13:24:23 MDT 2010

The new Story & Clarks all come with the record strip installed, and  
the squarish B-type USB jack.

There's a small control box under the keybed that also has 5-pin MIDI  
outputs.  It needs a power supply; is this supposed to be included  
with new pianos, or do you order this separately?

I have a customer who wants to listen through headphones.  I plan to  
install the grand stop rail, but I'd like advice on how to route the  
output.  I've been to music stores, and the choices are endless!

I understand that you can run a piano emulator like Ivory on a PC, but  
it can lag behind keypresses, and needs significant setup in terms of  
audio card, USB interface, etc.  Since my customer just wants  
headphone output (for now), I was considering a standalone box that  
would do just that.  What would you suggest?  And would you use the 5- 
pin MIDI output, or the B-type USB, and why?

Digitally confused,


Cy Shuster, RPT
Albuquerque, NM


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