[pianotech] Re-Working Business Plan

Hy Cohen frowninverter at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 20:36:06 MDT 2010

Hi Everyone,


I am brand new to the list. While I am not a member of PTG yet, I plan to be
filing for my membership probably around September. 


Anyway, while I was in school, I drafted a business plan for piano
technology. Now, I'm going through and re-working numbers, marketing, etc.
What a job! <grin>


I have a few major questions I'm hoping you will be able to assist me with:


1.   Are there estimates available on what the average start-up costs are
for a piano tuning / repair business in the U.S.? If so, where?


2.   When looking at your overall population for your service area, how many
households (using Sensuous data) per technician is needed?


3.   Is there a rough way to estimate how many technicians (or those who say
they are) are in the area you are servicing? For example, in my area, there
appears to be about 54 members of the PTG (associate & RPT), but I know
there are others out there that even a phone book can't tell you (i.e. I
know they're some on Craig's List). 


4.   How many total customers do you need to adequately support a piano
tuning & repair business? So far I have been told anywhere from 500 to 1,000


5.   What are your suggestions for good ways to start getting your name out
and attracting your first customers? This would have been an easier answer
for me if I would have been able to start my business back in my home area
where I know a whole lot of people who have pianos, but while I was in
school to become a piano tech, the love bug bit me, I got married to someone
who didn't appreciate the beautiful Puget Sound area of Washington State,
and I ended up heading down to California where she is from. <grin> We just
moved here less than two weeks ago. And I swear I'm melting! <giggle> 


Okay that's more than enough questions. <grin> Thank you guys so much for
your assistance! 





frowninverter at gmail.com



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