[pianotech] Downbearing on RC&S designs was RE: Steingraeber

jimialeggio jimialeggio at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 07:31:14 MDT 2010

  On 7/8/2010 1:31 AM, David Love wrote:
>   I think my rib
> scales are a bit lighter than yours.  That too might make a difference.  Not
> sure.
As in all other aspects of piano work, RC&S is not a monolithic 
description of a single approach, ie, David's and Ron's experience of 
the tonal effects of their designs intersect but also deviate in  some 
significant ways.

If there were a way that would not jeopardize proprietary info, I think 
it would be highly useful to collect and sort through the varied 
experience of people working their own approaches to the RC&S concept to 
confirm common trends and combine the communal intelligence.

For instance, I think I have a reasonable idea how Ron defines stiffness 
throughout the scale, but I'm completely guessing on Davids definition 
of stiffness. I get the feeling David's radii are larger than  Ron's, 
and calculated rib loading is less than Rons. Without specifics though 
the communication is somewhat limited.  It there were some way to share 
specifics(and I'm not sure how to do this without giving away 
proprietary stuff) I think the combined empirical intelligence which 
could come out of these discussions could be substantial.

I'm not sure what I'm asking for here...I wonder if it would be useful 
and instructive to design a panel discussion specific to RC&S  for  the 
convention?  Since it would clearly be defined as specific to RC&S 
concepts, and moderated to keep on that topic, we could avoid the head 
butting regarding CC vs RC&S ad nauseum and focus on combining the 
knowledge & experience of RC&S concepts which have been collecting 
independently in our shops.

Jim I

Jim Ialeggio
978- 425-9026
Shirley, MA

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