[pianotech] Downbearing on RC&S designs back to the tail

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Thu Jul 8 19:21:33 MDT 2010

Gene Nelson wrote:
> Just curious:
> Back to the tail lengths, espeically at note 88.
> With about 70mm tail (verticle hitch conversion) I find that the tail 
> section when plucked has more power and projection than the 53mm 
> speaking length when also plucked. #88 at pitch and tail a bit lower. 
> Any explainations?

How 'bout: Longer length of given wire diameter at given 
tension means wider excursion when excited, though at a lower 
pitch. Longer length at given diameter also means more mass 
moving through a wider excursion, imparting more cyclic force 
on the bridge, et al.

Since the back scale is excited once removed, by the movement 
of the bridge, et al, as results from the speaking length 
activity rather than being directly plucked, I don't think it 
realistically needs to be factored into the design spreadsheet.

Now pluck the front duplex in the capo section with the damper 
raised, and tell us what you hear.
Ron N

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