[pianotech] Downbearing on RC&S designs back to the tail

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Thu Jul 8 20:38:19 MDT 2010

Gene Nelson wrote:
>> Now pluck the front duplex in the capo section with the damper
>> raised, and tell us what you hear.
> I used the sustain pedal so all dampers were lifter.
> I hear the sound of my fingernail on string as I used it for plucking. 
> Also I hear the sound of the note at the fundamental pitch, volume 
> considerably reduced compared with hammer blow and it sustains for about 
> half the time, possibly a bit longer as compared with a hammer blow.
> Reasonably consistent across the capo sections.
> Tried the same thing at the tenor agraffe section and it is the same.

That's it exactly, good job! It doesn't relate to your 
previous question, but I dearly love it as an illustration of 
the difference between front and rear duplexes. Indulge me. 
I'm old, not that bright, and easily amused. The front duplex 
thing, incidentally, doesn't care if the duplex is long, 
short, tuned, or not. The effect is the same. The rear duplex 
thing you asked about is, I think, pending more sensible 
explanation, the length/excursion/mass thing.

Pending further enlightenment, and entertainment...
Ron N

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