[pianotech] Downbearing on RC&S designs back to the tail

Gene Nelson nelsong at intune88.com
Fri Jul 9 21:53:15 MDT 2010

> It's the ring through to the fundamental of the speaking length that 
> amused me. I thought you might find it interesting too.

Very interesting. When I had plucked the front duplexes in the past it was 
with the dampers down, trying to verify that my mod to the angle of the 
strings had killed any unplesant noise. Never thought to listen in a 
different way.

> So do you think the back scale thing makes sense?

Very much so. Mass-excursion is the answer.
The rear duplexes certainly have more access to the soundboard as opposed to 
the front duplexes but I do not believe that was the point of your 
comparison. Your point is well taken.
Thank you

> Ron N 

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