[pianotech] Downbearing on RC&S designs back to the tail

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Fri Jul 9 23:16:49 MDT 2010

Gene Nelson wrote:
>> So do you think the back scale thing makes sense?
> Very much so. Mass-excursion is the answer.
> The rear duplexes certainly have more access to the soundboard as 
> opposed to the front duplexes but I do not believe that was the point of 
> your comparison. Your point is well taken.
> Thank you

Just so. The movement of the entire bridge and soundboard is 
what excites the rear duplex, where the front duplex is 
excited directly by the specific unison. I'm not sure there is 
a point exactly, other than the rear duplex doesn't get 
activated in real use to nearly the point that plucking it 
directly produces, where the front duplex gets a full dose. 
Just sharin' sparklys.

Ron N

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