[pianotech] Pin block fitting

Chuck Behm behmpiano at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 05:25:28 MDT 2010

>Also- when working to fit a new pin block using the chalk method- is it
with experience that you know which chalk marks to file and which to leave?

Thanks a million

Zoe = The chalk marks are the high spots and all need filing off. Make sure
you're grinding off wood, and not just removing chalk. It will take repeated
sessions to do a good job of. Do have a good vise to secure the block when
your filing it? Two woodworking vises, one on either end of  the block, work
best. Just cheap ones, like you can find at Lowes, for example, work well
for this.

Also, make sure that the block isn't rocking, but is firmly seated each time
you chalk the flange and tap it with a mallet. If it does start to rock at
all, you have a high spot in the middle. Filing off the spots that are touch
on either end will compound the problem, and just make the rocking worse.

Did you read  the series I wrote on this last fall? Just this last week I
had Dave (the guy that helps in my shop) do a pinblock on his own with no
help from me. I gave him the articles, and told him to keep reading until he
figured it out, but that I wouldn't answer any questions unless he was
asking something that the articles didn't cover.

The only problem he had was that at first, he was grinding too much material
off from the high spots, and was ending up with a ripple effect. Once he
straightened that out, it turned out fine.

Good luck with this. If you have a little patience, you can make the block
fit the flange like a glove. Chuck
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