[pianotech] What%27s wrong with that picture?

Floyd Gadd fg at floydgadd.com
Sat Jul 10 22:29:39 MDT 2010

No takers yet, I see.
Well, the files are unprotected and stored in such a way as they are likely to damage each other (I just last week made some cardboard sheaths for a couple of new files I had purchased for key work.)  The files are also poorly maintained, some clogged with debris, and extensive rust on ate least one.  Two at the most are fitted with handles.  There appears to be some duplication of files.  I see some mushrooming on one of the punches that should be ground off for safety sake. Is the top of the flat file in the middle of the front row broken off?  Must have been used as a pry bar.  Is that a nail being stored at the front left?  Why are two punches kind of lying down when there are still vacant holes in the storage rack?  
By the way, I just purchased a file card, partway into a key top replacement project.  What a difference being able to get the file cleaned up instantly!  I've known about these things for 35 years, but had never bought one until now.
How am I doing Joe?
Floyd Gadd
Manitoba Chapter
Just got my Journal. It's full of neat stuff. However, the front cover really got my attention. There are several things wrong with the picture/tools/files/?? Thought it'd be a neat contest to see how many things y'all can find "wrong". (the winner get's an "Attaboy". joe aka Captain, Tool Police Squares R I 
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