[pianotech] Rim joint repair

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Mon Jul 12 18:06:30 MDT 2010

At 17:28 -0500 12/7/10, Mike Spalding wrote:

>Just out of curiosity, what's so nasty about pearwood?

On many old pianos that used it the veneer breaks up under the french 
polish and  any lacquer used to refinish it will crack up after a 
little while.  The only thing that will stabilize it is polyester.

I don't know what it is/was like when it was new but it seems that 
with time it turns very brittle and crumbly.  It also has a foul 
smell, either in itself or owing to its combination with the stain. 
Many old Bechsteins use this veneer.

A colleague of mine recently had a Bechstein grand top crack up like 
this when he had done a good french polishing job on the top.  I 
suggested he strip it, paint it with liquid polyester resin, cut down 
and re-polish.  I had never done this myself, but he reported a 


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