[pianotech] soundboard grain angle vs "faux"stiffness

jimialeggio jimialeggio at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 07:23:17 MDT 2010

  I've been thinking a bit about how the calculated rib scale allows you 
to design a spring with known stiffness, and have setup my spreadsheets 
and belly experiments to predict and adjust this quantifiable 
stiffness/flexibility (spring).

As has been mentioned, there are other parameters such as back scale and 
grain angle, panel tapering or not tapering which also effect 
"stiffness".  I put "stiffness" in quotes because ribs design targets 
and  creates a spring while these other parameters, backscale etc either 
restrict or avoid restricting that spring...they don,t create spring.

They are often referred to as having "stiffening" qualities but I'm 
thinking that there is a structural and tonal distinction between 
stiffening as the result of spring rate of a rib and "stiffening" as the 
result of limiting movement of the rib spring.

David Love, it sounds like you've played around with various grain 
angles on calculated rib boards.

Have you experimented with the traditional 45ish degrees, ie somewhat 
parallel to the long bridge, board angle?

Most of the rc&s boards I seen or hear about assume that the slightly 
greater 50-55 to more is an improvement, while some push 70deg.  It 
seems as if the tenor and bass would appreciate the near full crossgrain 
effect of grain parallel to the tenor in the long bridge.

As in most belly issues, I suspect that the tradeoff was made to help 
out the treble, ie keep the rib weight down in killer octave by 
"stiffening" the board in that area.

Are there any calculated string load/rib scale folks working with low 
grain angles?

Jim I

Jim Ialeggio
978- 425-9026
Shirley, MA

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