[pianotech] Lester, Lester Sp.

JWyatt1492 at aol.com JWyatt1492 at aol.com
Wed Jul 14 11:06:59 MDT 2010

Hello to All,
   For the record, the fact are there are 7 (seven)  Lester Sp,S
   The scale 19 was the first , and is a very bad sounding  piano.  
It has over 30 unisons in the bass all wrapped.  They are  made 
of wood, (not particle board  or used  paper)  solid spruce sound 
boards,. solid hard rock maple bridges and pinblocks.
   Then there is the scale 20. 21,  22 , 23,,  24,  and 25, 
The only weakness in the action is the plastic elbows.
   The drop action is a full size action not compressed.
   Back when I was a young tuner I attended a meeting 
of the " American Society of Piano Technicians".
   Many of the attendees were harping and barfing about 
Spinet Pianos in general and why factories build them.
    The instructor, an experienced technician   finally said 
---   YOU  IDIOTES ---   factories   build  Spinets 
because that is what  --  THE PUBLIC WANTS.--.
Jack Wyatt
Dallas Chapter
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