[pianotech] Tuning fork puzzle

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Wed Jul 14 16:21:28 MDT 2010

At 17:01 -0400 14/7/10, pnotnr at aol.com wrote:

>I wondered that too, and at the risk of showing how much I don't 
>know about this stuff, I ask the following:  (and I understand that 
>we are talking about a fork and not a string)  But supposing the 
>fork has a fundamental frequency of 100 bps, the octave (second 
>partial) would be 200 bps.  An octave above that (4th partial) would 
>be 400 bps, and an octave above that (8th partial) would be 800 bps.

I'm not sure one can even talk of "partials" in respect of a tuning 
fork.  The fact that we get the octave as a function of the 
fundamental, though by a quite different phenomenon, does not mean we 
get any higher would-be partials.  The overtones of the fork are 
unrelated by simple numbers to the fundamental.

>I don't have a frequency chart in front of me, but figuring 6 1/4 
>times the fundamental (or 625 bps) would that correspond to the 6th 

No, and even if it did it would not be relevant.


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