[pianotech] Broken grand action screw

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Thu Jul 15 13:22:09 MDT 2010

At 11:15 -0700 15/7/10, Randy Chastain wrote:

>Could use some advice. I am rebuilding a 1883 Steinway grand for a 
>client and when I took the stack off, one of the screws snapped. I 
>used a soldering gun to heat up the screws when I realized they 
>weren't coming out easily, which helped with all but that one. Turns 
>out the last guy who worked on it glued the screws in. Go figure.

They're not going to hold when you screw them back either, so the 
best thing to do -- and I have done it on several jobs much younger 
than that -- is to cut away and insert new blocks of wood (beech over 
here).  You can also get a set of replacement action supports from 
Steinway, but it's just as much work, if not more.  Once these screws 
have been over-turned, there is no other serious remedy.


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