[pianotech] Broken grand action screw

Randy Chastain Randy_Chastain at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 16 10:24:01 MDT 2010

Thanks guys. Its nice to have you all around. Its like being in a big "think tank". Good to se how others have done it. Thanks to all.

On Jul 15, 2010, at 12:22 PM, John Delacour wrote:

> At 11:15 -0700 15/7/10, Randy Chastain wrote:
>> Could use some advice. I am rebuilding a 1883 Steinway grand for a client and when I took the stack off, one of the screws snapped. I used a soldering gun to heat up the screws when I realized they weren't coming out easily, which helped with all but that one. Turns out the last guy who worked on it glued the screws in. Go figure.
> They're not going to hold when you screw them back either, so the best thing to do -- and I have done it on several jobs much younger than that -- is to cut away and insert new blocks of wood (beech over here).  You can also get a set of replacement action supports from Steinway, but it's just as much work, if not more.  Once these screws have been over-turned, there is no other serious remedy.
> JD

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