[pianotech] broken piano leg

tnrwim at aol.com tnrwim at aol.com
Fri Jul 16 02:55:32 MDT 2010


The bottom support is all one piece, from the rear of the piano to the front.That's what give it the strength to hold up the piano As far as I can see, there really isn't any way to re-attach the broken part without it always being compromised. 

I would suggest you put the piano on a set of twin dollies. That way there is no weight on the legs. Then you might be able to re-attach the leg in some way that there isn't any weight on it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Houweling <jackhouweling at dccnet.com>
To: Pianotech List <pianotech at ptg.org>
Sent: Thu, Jul 15, 2010 7:41 pm
Subject: [pianotech] broken piano leg

Any suggestion on this repair, I have a few ideas but want to hear from anyone who has done this.
The customer does not want to spend a lot of money so I want to know how it can be reinforced,
and done at the customers home. The base part of the leg and the post are still in one piece.
Jack Houweling

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