[pianotech] Fw: broken piano leg

John Ross jrpiano at eastlink.ca
Fri Jul 16 11:51:48 MDT 2010

It looks like there is a cavity, in the splintered break.
So just put lots of epoxy in there, with the piano on its back,
the splintered bits will bond better than a smooth surface.
Haven't done it, but looks doable.
How was the top of the leg attached?
Possibly a right angle bracket, on the back edge.
John Ross
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jack Houweling 
  To: Pianotech List 
  Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 11:59 PM
  Subject: [pianotech] Fw: broken piano leg

  Any suggestion on this repair, I have a few ideas but want to hear from anyone who has done this.
  The customer does not want to spend a lot of money so I want to know how it can be reinforced,
  and done at the customers home. The base part of the leg and the post are still in one piece.

  Jack Houweling

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