[pianotech] Business License....???

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner at msn.com
Fri Jul 16 21:55:31 MDT 2010

Only if the state gets to define reality. I should also point out that such
a concept above would be anathema to most of our country's founding fathers.
There was a war fought over that very issue back 1776.

Dean W May

The neighboring state defines our reality. Oregon has no sales tax, so all the piano stores are in Portland. If you do any work for a piano store, or any customers who live in Oregon, you pay income taxes to Oregon, even though you live in Washington.

A co-worker in the hearing aid office told me that her husband had been the administrator of the Southwest washington Medical Center in Vancouver, WA, while she worked at Montgomery Wards in Portland, OR. Oregon charged HIM income taxes because his wife worked in Oregon, even though they lived in Washington.

I have to pay income taxes in Oregon, but I can't vote in Oregon.

Diane Hofstetter 		 	   		  

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