[pianotech] Documentary on Piano Tuning and Math

Kent Swafford kswafford at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 15:13:43 MDT 2010

A New Documentary About the Piano and Mathematics Begins Shooting This Week

Appassionato: A Mathematical History of the Piano begins principal photography in Los Angeles, California, on July 17, 2010. Extensive in scope, the production will document experts from UCLA, USC, Yale University, Princeton University, and MIT.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) July 20, 2010 -- Appassionato: A Mathematical History of the Piano is the story of the multiple failed approaches toward a unified piano tuning throughout the ages, and also the men (Galileo, Newton, Pythagoras, Bach) who tried to create a “perfect” musical harmony.
While some believe that music is the perfect art form and mathematics the perfect science; neither are. They harbor mysteries deeper than the caves of the human mind. Music and mathematics and the link between them raises important questions in our cultural evolution: What is harmony? Who gets to say what is pleasing to the ears and what is utter garbage? Why does music move us? How come mathematics is recognized as the perfect science; yet, many mathematicians realize there are anomalies layered throughout its structure?
Using a myriad of original interviews from the leading minds in the field, as well as reenactments and modern storytelling techniques, Appassionato: A Mathematic History of the Piano will be the most comprehensive documentary about the legacy between humanity, mathematics, and music.
The feature length documentary is an ode to pianos, music, math; and, the leaders of art and thought who dared to challenge notions of what is possible in our world.
The movie, helmed by Michael LaPointe, is gathering a diverse and talented group of professionals including sound designer/composer Rob Simon (Ambient Music Designer for Iron Man, The Unborn, The Wolfman) and Producer Cicely Gilkey who has helped produce all three seasons of the Madmen behind the scenes documentaries.
Additional information on Appassionato: A Mathematical History of the Piano can be found on the film's fundraising webpage: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/889010276/appassionato-a-mathematical-history-of- the-piano or Facebook page: facebook.com/appassionatothemovie

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