[pianotech] 3.4 Charging by job, or by hour?

Cy Shuster cy at shusterpiano.com
Wed Jul 21 12:30:20 MDT 2010

The true value of anything is what someone else is willing to pay for  

It's important to consider that value to the customer, not just what  
the labor is to do the job.  Think about the last time you had your  
car towed: you probably paid a lot more than just the labor rate of  
the driver and operating costs of the truck, right?  But was it worth  
it to you, when you're stuck on the side of the road?

For example, a regulation lasts for years, compared to tuning, and  
takes advanced skills.  In some cases it makes more difference to the  
pianist's ability to make music than does a tuning.  Charge accordingly.


Cy Shuster, RPT
Albuquerque, NM


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