[pianotech] Charging by job, or by hour?

KeyKat88 at aol.com KeyKat88 at aol.com
Fri Jul 23 10:09:18 MDT 2010

In a message dated 7/21/2010 2:20:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
davidlovepianos at comcast.net writes:

In my case I can tune a piano in 30 minutes but they get an hour.  If I can 
get the piano in tune in 30 minutes I find something else that needs doing. 
 If it’s a difficult piano it takes an hour and they don’t get more.  If it
’s a disaster and it takes more than an hour they get charged more.  If the 
convention teaches me something for greater efficiency then I do the job 
faster and it leaves me time for other things.  My speed makes for a higher 
hourly rate, they get more from me because of my experience and expertise, 
better product, they don’t mind paying more—well some do.  

I believe this is termed, value added srevice. Someone older that I know,  
told me this type of service is popular in a depression/recession time.
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