[pianotech] Changing from rocker capstans to standard type

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Mon Jul 26 00:22:25 MDT 2010

David Lawson asked: "I have an old Lipp grand which has the rocker type capstans. As you would all be aware, these are rotten things to regulate and get a good touch from.
Has anyone changed these for the conventional capstan that can be regulated in the normal way?
I know it seems to be a big job, however, I keep feeling that the final result would be much nicer, and certainly more user friendly.
Perhaps there is an article on this in one of the journals?
Any advise would be appreciated."
David of OZ,<G>
Yes, I've done a few of those. Just make a jig to cut off the bottom attachment of the wippen. I used some Renner Wippen Feet, the last time I did that. A bandsaw, drill press and a clamping system. Suggest, after the bottom attachment is cut off, play with the "magic line" and get the Geometry correct, as, usually, the line of force of the rocker capstans is different than a standard capstan line of force. DAMHIK<G> If you do that, you will lose the "connected feel" that you get with the olde system. It's a trade off IMO.

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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