[pianotech] "Gray Market" Kawai??

Tom Driscoll tomtuner at verizon.net
Mon Jul 26 06:35:26 MDT 2010

Matthew wrote,
  10% RH?  I am assuming that is outdoor.  Unless the piano is going to be located on the clients front porch, lets hope their indoors isn't that bad.

Matthew ,
 I can tell you live in Houston. In cold weather climates the indoor relative humidity in winter can be quite low. The digital hygrometers such as the Damppchaser version will read to about 24% .Any lower will not register and in New England we hover on either side of that in the dead of winter. The reported 10% is cetainly extreme . From experience the nursing home enviornment has the lowest humidity and the pianos tell the sad story. 

  P.S, I have trouble trimming your posts  on reply.
   Could you just sign the post without the website link ? 
  We know who you are and the link is superfluous in this context.
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