[pianotech] freak of nature

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Tue Jul 27 11:27:07 MDT 2010

Susan Kline wrote:
> Joe, I think you give them too much credit. I worked on a piano almost 
> like this -- little skinny bridge, erratic and excessive sidebearing on 
> the back pin -- and it was utterly and completely split out. I think 
> that they staggered both groups of pins in an effort to prevent 
> splitting. 

I think you're giving them way too much credit. It's extremely 
unlikely that someone thoughtful enough to consider pin 
placement to keep the bridge from splitting was mindless 
enough to ignore the notching. I'd say it was inaccurately 
copied from something else, with no understanding whatsoever 
of the reasoning behind it, which came from the builder of the 
badly copied example and was almost certainly what Joe said.

Ron N

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