[pianotech] Underlever Spring Tension Measurement

Mike Spalding mike.spalding1 at verizon.net
Tue Jul 27 19:52:38 MDT 2010


The off-cut from a backaction installed a couple years ago fell apart in 
my hands - no glue in the joint.  That job had already been delivered, 
and has had no problems, and I am assuming that it was a small localized 
glue starvation problem.  But I had two more in process, which I 
reinforced with 1/8 dowels and epoxy.  Now I use a kit from a different 


Joe DeFazio wrote:
> It broke quite easily with moderate hand pressure;  I didn't even have to use any of my nonexistent super-powers.  All kidding aside, it didn't require anything close to full adult strength to break it.  Now, I know that the joint in the whole tray is much stronger due to its increased length and surface area, and also that the tray is not stressed very much in use.  So, I'm not trying to suggest that this is a big problem or to criticize Renner.  Still, it made me a bit uneasy.  Has anyone had any problems with this joint, either recently, or in rebuilds you did in the past?
> Any comments about either issue welcomed,
> Joe DeFazio
> Pittsburgh

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