[pianotech] Bouncing Bostons

William Monroe bill at a440piano.net
Fri Jul 30 20:19:38 MDT 2010

Hi David,

I'd say, yes.  I didn't try and get this behaviour on all the notes, but the
ones I tried all did it.  You're right also, I didn't mention bedding, but
yes, bedded from scratch.

I charted out the numbers today, and it makes me crazy looking at the plots
of DW, UW, BW, and Friction.  The pianist and I have already had dialogue
about that, and I hope he takes my recommendation and decides to pursue it
deeper when next we meet.  I don't suspect I'll see the piano for another
four months, unless the double striking proves to be torture for him - which
it may.  So, whenever that happens, I'll have more to report.

Michael, I'm already at 1 3/4" blow and if I decrease key travel any more,
I'll have little or no aftertouch - it's just enough as is.  I hesitate to
reduce blow any more, and I don't think increasing let-off is appropriate.
.400 just works here, and in all but this one situation (sharp stacatto
blow) the action plays very well.  I'm not saying I won't try reducing blow
if other things fail, but it's not the first thing I'll do.  Thanks for the

William R. Monroe

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 5:54 PM, David Skolnik
<davidskolnik at optonline.net>wrote:

> William -
> Two things come to mind.  First, as you point out, range of up / down
> weights is bizarre, and warrants more attention.  Do all the notes you try
> this staccato technique respond the same way?  If not, what are the up and
> down weights for those that do and don't.  Second, while you seem quite
> thorough, you didn't actually mention checking for keyframe bedding,
> primarily balance and back rail.  Meanwhile, it's worth re-reading all the
> various conjectures, just to refresh your (my) memory of what's actually
> going on.
> Good luck.
> David Skolnik
> Hastings on Hudson, NY
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