[pianotech] Rep spring...

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 31 00:13:51 MDT 2010

Allen asked: "What I found surprising was that this phenomenon could occur in 
pianos only 4 years old. Joe, are there any manufacturers not using 
some kind of lubricant (whether emralon, dag, or something else) in 
spring grooves? They all seem to have something in there. Do you 
think just cleaning out the grooves (during restoration or even 
regulation work, esp. on older pianos) and polishing the spring is 
the best course?"

The short answer: Yes. I like to clean ALL of the "Crap" out of the spring grooves. This eliminates a lot of cussin' later, IMHO. Just because a "manufacturer" does this B.S. doesn't give it credence, IMO. Of course, if I clean all that crud out of the wippens, it is no longer a S & S!<G>

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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