[pianotech] Nasty screw

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 5 14:46:14 MDT 2011

Wim said: "The pressure bars and screws are rusty and corroded, and because
the rust and corrosion was caused by salt air, they can't be cleaned."

I don't understand why they "..can't be cleaned"? Over the years, I've had
to make some pretty nasty metal look presentable. There are several ways to
do this. 1. Replate. (I suspect that there is no such thing as a metal
plater on the Islands?) 2. Wire brush all the nasty stuff off and buff to a
high polish. At that point, you have the option of Bluing or simply
spraying with lacquer. There ya have it. What ever you do, it'll certainly
look better than rust and crud, imo. BTW, if you coat the screws with clear
polyester they will be less susceptable to corrosion than any other coating
I've found.

Joe Garrett, R.P.T.
Captain of the Tool Police
Squares R I

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