[pianotech] Soundboard stuph

Encore Pianos encorepianos at metrocast.net
Mon Oct 17 03:39:29 MDT 2011

So Ron, what is your opinion about the best place along the length of the
rib to install many bolts for the purpose of mass loading?  :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf
Of Ron Nossaman
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 11:20 PM
To: Pianotech
Subject: [pianotech] Soundboard stuph

Doing ongoing shop shoveling today, and making most of a rather large pile
of saved soundboards go away. Among the gems I found the most beautifully
uniform grain density I've ever seen in a Steinway D, or most anything. It's
an amazingly consistent 8-10 grains per inch throughout the entire board.
Very pretty and not cracked up at all, but stone dead in the piano. No date,

The other is from an S&S L. which was one of the most badly and uniformly
relentlessly butchered rebuilds I've ever see. Among many other worse things
I looked in awe and horror upon, the ribs were extensively screwed back to
the panel in this fine manner, and bolted too. No, I don't know who did it
(or care) and yes, I originally just supplied them a list of what it would
take to turn what they had into what they wanted as gracefully as I could
manage. Said and done, they were extremely pleased with the results.

To whom it almost certainly concerns, this is incidentally posted to the old
list both because I can attach files simply, and last I knew, it had by far
the bigger subscriber base compared to the new and improved system.

Ron N

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